Model Pablo Solano from Costa Rica is on 21 years old yet everything about him is 'Vintage'. He describes himself as a vintage model. Although Pablo is without a doubt current, his work is certainly harks back to a previous era. Pablo describes his inspirations as the greats, James Dean, Sal Mineo, Clark Gable and Marlon Brando. Their influences run through his portfolio and Pablo has one of the most creative, dramatic and sexy portfolios I have seen in awhile. Using the vintage theme his work sets himself apart. I wonder if acting is in his future as Pablo says he has no interest in becoming a supermodel, his goals are to always be creative, and experimenting with different styles, and characters.
I am not sure if common in the Costa Rica modeling scene but it was wonderful and interesting that many of the photographers who worked with Pablo were women. It is hard for me to think of too many well known women in North America except for Annie Leibovitz,Cathrine Westergaard and the wonderful Jenn Hoffman, but most of the shots in this post were shot by women.
You can check out much more of Pablo's work at his agencies, Unique Model Management HERE: and at Higher Models HERE: Pablo also has a great Fan Page on Facebook with tons of other shots. You can find that page HERE:
Shot below by Ekaterina Sanchez.

Pablo Solano
Weight: 120 lbs
Chest: 34
Waist: 29
Shoe: 8
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: White
Experience: Very Experienced

Below: Shot by Bryan DÃ?az.

Below: Pablo by Bryan Diaz.

Below: Shot by JP Chavez.

Below: Pablo by Laura Pardo.

Below: Pablo in 'Cabaret' by Ekaterina Sanchez. You can see the entire story over at FantasticsMag HERE:

Below: Love this shoot with Pablo by Danniela Ramos.