American Idol has not really grabbed me this season. Maybe I have watched too long, maybe it is the singers, not sure. I do know I hate the new format (actually going back to the old format). This format gives the viewers no time to get to know the singers and allows for no mistakes. The past few seasons with only 2 singers going each week during the narrow down to top 12, most had a chance to fix a mistake and had more time for the viewers to get to love them or hate them. I am not really a big fan of anyone who has gotten through so far, not that they are not talented, but because most were such a sure thing. In the case of the guys in particular, most were featured quite heavily in storylines for Hollywood week and it is obvious the producers wanted them through. They seem to care very little about any of the girls. That being said, I am happy cutie Kris Allen made it through. Not because he is the best though. I did love his Hollywood Week performances, but was not at all blown away by his 'Man in the Mirror'. He is adorable though and when a show is not holding your interst, sometimes adorable is enough...